Find your shadow between two suns.


Find your shadow between two suns.
Dustland - MMO Action Survival in post-apocalypse. The action takes place in a scalding hot post-apocalyptic wasteland built around one central and only goal... STAY ALIVE! This is a game that sows PURE panic and a complete cessation of trust between players. Players can cooperate and trade with each other - but only at their own risk. There is no protection against fraud, theft, or death in Dustland. Introducing the best elements of the 3rd-person MMO genre, Dustland brings a unique twist to the post-apocalyptic chronicle of the wasteland with its unique weapon assembly system, high-octane vehicles, a magnificent open-world environment, and a fascinating, original storyline. The world of Dustland is like the Mojave Desert, or the Valley of Death...on STEROIDS! Dustland is a pure survival MMO with 64 km2 of scorched wasteland with over 100 unique locations for exploration, exploitation, and survival! In Dustland, players need to discover the skills themselves in order to live at least one more day. Not an easy task in a world where even the environment itself wants you to turn into a pile of sun-bleached white bones
What is the feature of the game?
Same from long-run future. From «Future» where space warfare takes place at the international level. Some disasters caused weird temporal anomalies and the main hero was thrown back to ancient times. Now, he has to survive and get back home to his time. To do that, he has to use gained knowledge to detect temporal anomalies – «the breach» in order to get into the next era until the here ends up in the future period from which he was thrown. Thereby, jumping from one era to another, the player has to manage his own avatar, by choosing the path of development building strategic alliances, and gaining foes.
Dustland publishing is our self-made publishing
In the near future, natural resources began to run out. Humanity decided to create a giant nuclear power plant that would power the entire planet, however, the construction of such a structure on Earth was extremely dangerous. The Moon was chosen as a test site. After the construction was completed and the test run, something unexpected happened, which caused an explosion. In the sky, instead of the usual satellite of the Earth, a second sun shone.
What is the feature of the game?
We stand for honesty and strive to provide all players with a fair value. That is why when we publish Dustland on game stores you will see fair price depending on the region of residence